Friday, September 18, 2009

To implement BEx Key Date at BO Universe

1. Make a predefined Filter At Universe with the following definition
Name of predefined Filter: KeyDate
Where Clause : <filter key="[0P_ECKDT]"><condition key="[0P_ECKDT]" operatorcondition="Equal" tech_name="@Prompt('Key Date','D',,,)"/><CONDITION></FILTER>

Note : [0P_ECKDT] is the technical name of key date object in SAP BW for key date

2. Check the option “Use filter as mandatory in query -> Apply on Universe” so that key date should be asked every time user executes the query.

3. In Universe Parameters , set the “KEYDATE_ENABLED” to “No”, as shown in below image

Now the keydate will appear as normal prompt in webI documents and you can use them in xcelsius by using prompt binding.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Error On LOV Refresh in WebI - ERR_WIS_30270

For Error "ERR_WIS_30270" follow the following steps. I faced this problem while refreshing the LOVs in webI reports.

Select All the Check boxes in “Associate a List of Values” section except “Delegate Search”

Although I used this solution, But I am not sure about the reason ebhind this.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Simultaneous Refreshing More Than 1 LiveOffice in Xcelsius

1.Insert LiveOffice Connections in Xcelsius, say you inserted Live1, Live2 and Live3. In this example they are LO_OP_PlantParamterts_Yearly_C Actual (Live1), LO_OP_PlantParamterts_Monthly_C Actual (Live2) and LO_OP_PlantParamterts_Last7Days_C Actual (Live3)

2.For the first connection in chain set “Refresh on Trigger-> Refresh Cell” to the cell where you are storing the input from the user, say It is Company Name and Brand Name and your are using Filter component to ask the values from user.

3.Select “When Cell Updates” option.

4.Set “Loading Message” to “x” (Value which you will never user)

5.Set “Idle Message” to 1 and insert it into a cell say “D2”, as shown in below image

6.Now, set the Usage Options for the 2nd Live Office connection (Live2). Set “Refresh on Trigger-> Refresh Cell” to the cell where you are storing the “Idle Message” of the Live Office connection1 (Live1)

7.Select “When Value Equals” option and enter the value which you inserted in Idle Message of connection Live1. In this case it is 1

8.Set “Loading Message” to “x” (Value which you will never user)

9.Set “Idle Message” to 2 and insert it into a cell say “D3”, as shown in below image

10.Now, set the Usage Options for the 3rd Live Office connection (Live3). Set “Refresh on Trigger-> Refresh Cell” to the cell where you are storing the “Idle Message” of the Live Office connection2 (Live2)

11.Select “When Value Equals” option and enter the value which you inserted in Idle Message of connection Live2. In this case it is 2

12.Set “Loading Message” to “x” (Value which you will never user)

13.Set “Idle Message” to 3 and insert it into a cell say “D4”, as shown in below image

Same steps can be repeated for as many connections as you want. I have used 8 live office connection to refresh with same logic.